Thursday, November 29, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
So there I was..
To start off the lovely evening, I'll simply pull straight from myspace a pleasant bulletin on my current thoughts and regards towards the death of the guitarist of Hawthorne Heights.
"Damn he died, okay get the fuck over it.
Just think of the positives.
+ how the world will possibly be a better place without another shitty band (being Hawthorne Heights for those of you who are s-l-o-w) taking up space.
ahh.. its good to dream.
+ or the irony behind the death of an "emo" guitarist in an emo band that has such deep lyrics as "Cut my wrists and black my eyes"
and i wholeheartedly agree with my buddy alex
and i quote:
"Let's hope they set the body on fire, we can't have zombies. Emo Zombies would suck...."
I could just be a cynical ass but honestly i could care less about some shitty "subhuman" level band. I've shown too much care by typing this bulletin already.
Sincerely (and best wishes to his family, not the band members. They just suck),
And so begins my loving kindness. Nobody cares. get over it.
Moving along on my agenda, I have a few quotes which i believe represent me from other people's mouth (/wrists for cheesiness award).
#1) "iTunes kind of feels like Sam Goody to me. I don't feel cool when I go there. I'm tired of seeing John Mayer's face pop up. I feel like I'm being hustled when I visit there, and I don't think their product is that great."
- Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails
In full support of OiNK, this hits the nail right on the head. Oh the death of an age-old industry would be very very relaxing.
#2) "wishonavoid (8:37:18 PM): how dirty
wishonavoid (8:37:34 PM): you wanted to have sex with an 80 year old guy named ernie
wishonavoid (8:37:35 PM): wow
wishonavoid (8:37:38 PM): you must be desperate"
This is just how much my girlfriend loves me, because I know you care.
#3) "'get a life' Translates into stop playing online games and go watch football like the rest of america"
Possibly the only time I've ever seen a forum troll from WoW say something of remote truth and intelligence.
This all leads up to my topic of choice for the evening: Stereotypes and why people suck.
I suck.
You suck.
That redneck sucks.
"Oh silly goose its because you're going to argue everything being relative to everything else!"
While that's a valid arguement, that's not the direction I was heading in.
I suck for the following reasons:
~ I'm a cynical condescending asshat
~ I'm a nerd and sucker for anything technologically amazing
~ I make girls jealous in what size pants I wear (0s usually by the way)
~ I'm extremely liberal (good and bad)
~ I'm not the straightest guy in the world...
Now that I've stated how much I suck lets move on on why you suck:
~ You're reading this blog
~ You have no life
~ You're probably depressed and a complete ass on the inside
~ You wish you had real problems
~ You wish you had food right now
~ You're probably getting horny reading this sentence since the word horny, erection, and boobs was mentioned in it
To the stereotypes
Emo kids:
~ LOL Hawthorne Heights guy died. I really find this funny and a tad bit ironic. I wonder how many will commit suicide as a result
~ Toting the shittiest music genre in known existence (besides country of course), 2000+ emo is a washed up recreation of the boy bands of the 90s. No suprise here.
~ The bassist in fall out boy is still a completely asswad.
~ I could rant about the depression issue but instead i'll just give you some much-needed help since everyone bashes you for it. Here are your options
1. Kill yourself and get it over with
2. Make your parents give you more money for more shitty clothing
3. Go to google and search depression. I bet you'll find some help
4. Fuck, go to a library and get books on it if you really are depressed
5. If you can't resist slitting your wrists, its down the highway, not across the street.
6. Whore on myspace but don't add me about how much shit sucks
Scene Kids:
~ You all are just asshats, nuff' said. Go snatch some more babies and wear 3 belts like "emo" sam (No offense sam xD. Okay maybe some.)
~ Hah rebel flag just amuses me. Southern Pride representing my ass.
~ Not all of you are dicks, but you can't give anyone shit about tight pants.
+ Sadly a group I just can't bash. What is there really negative about you..
~ As a whole shitty fashion sense.
(there I found one)
In gaming news, I've gotten back into Team Fortress 2 with a fiery passion. I've nearly beat Phantom Hourglass and I HIGHLY recommend it to any DS owner. Its a lot easier than say the N64 games, but its totally fun and fits the DS for those quick moments to play a game. It spans about 12 hours in length or so i'd say in your first run through.
P.S. For those of you who don't think I eat, I've had 2 pancakes and sausage on a stick and 2 chimichangas (sp?) for dinner. Time for me to go back into hibernation now, I've eaten my winter up.
I'll have a fairly intriguing post sometime within the next few hours.
I just felt i needed to help build the suspense with a random "teaser" post beforehand.
This post will be about sex, drugs, and rock and roll.
not really.
Actually it'll be about the adverse effects of shitty music, a few of my favorite quotes, and why i feel i deserve to be a soulless ass towards select people.
More at 11 (or whenever i feel like posting.)
Sincerely with all my cold cold heart,
I just felt i needed to help build the suspense with a random "teaser" post beforehand.
This post will be about sex, drugs, and rock and roll.
not really.
Actually it'll be about the adverse effects of shitty music, a few of my favorite quotes, and why i feel i deserve to be a soulless ass towards select people.
More at 11 (or whenever i feel like posting.)
Sincerely with all my cold cold heart,
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
"its retarded to make posts that are opinions of the other person's post on a blog but you asked for it." -Matt
You're the one who bashed Halo 3 when i said i was enjoying it, and i never debated why it was good =P. I just said i was bored with most games, and so i casually play Halo 3. You also tried to make it personal with "And FUCK YOU GRANT Halo 3 is a shitty game." =P, when i never tried to argue it was any better than a PC game?
Yeah i can blog about whatever i want=] Just like all your posts have video games in them. Nothing wrong with that, so why is there something wrong with my movie posts? I thought a movie was badass enough i want to blog about it, just as you thought Ocarina of Time was blog worthy.
I do agree with you about the internet, but i just don't agree with Ron Paul support. Sure his stance is impressive, but i can't agree with someone who wishes to repeal Land and Water conservation acts, is anti universal health care, and is anti Global Warming control.
Now, his views on how medicare and shit are impressive actually, though i disagree with them because the society we live in today would go to shit if we were to actually live by those views. Far right wing conservatism can not succeed without the full society agreeing, as well as far left wing. And honestly, i think more people want a more socialistic government, which i think is stupid, but whatever. I would prefer a democratic nation, with just a hint of socialism, but i don't know if thats possible in America as there are so many dumbfucks. But universal health care is a go IMO, but i do agree with you that some people are just retarded and probably want more. So thats why im moderate on that issue. And, I don't think any of the democratic candidates will have enough support from Congress to change everything, i just think they're trying to pull in votes. Ron Paul wants change too though, his view on Occupation Safety for example; he wants to repeal the Occupational Health and Safety act of 1970. So eh, i guess it is like Russian roulette.
Eh oh well, we can't vote, so we can just stfu xD
And, about video games, you said it was preference, and it is. =P. I prefer 360 a lot of the time, but i dont think other consoles necessarily suck. And yes matt PC games are ahead of console games right now, but im waiting until i have money to buy TF2 and Crysis, until then Halo 3 is my game. And microsoft hasn't flat out said no modding on UT3 yet, have they?
Well, besides matt and i arguing, its thanksgiving! Hope everyone has a good one.
I'm off to nom some turkey, peace.
You're the one who bashed Halo 3 when i said i was enjoying it, and i never debated why it was good =P. I just said i was bored with most games, and so i casually play Halo 3. You also tried to make it personal with "And FUCK YOU GRANT Halo 3 is a shitty game." =P, when i never tried to argue it was any better than a PC game?
Yeah i can blog about whatever i want=] Just like all your posts have video games in them. Nothing wrong with that, so why is there something wrong with my movie posts? I thought a movie was badass enough i want to blog about it, just as you thought Ocarina of Time was blog worthy.
I do agree with you about the internet, but i just don't agree with Ron Paul support. Sure his stance is impressive, but i can't agree with someone who wishes to repeal Land and Water conservation acts, is anti universal health care, and is anti Global Warming control.
Now, his views on how medicare and shit are impressive actually, though i disagree with them because the society we live in today would go to shit if we were to actually live by those views. Far right wing conservatism can not succeed without the full society agreeing, as well as far left wing. And honestly, i think more people want a more socialistic government, which i think is stupid, but whatever. I would prefer a democratic nation, with just a hint of socialism, but i don't know if thats possible in America as there are so many dumbfucks. But universal health care is a go IMO, but i do agree with you that some people are just retarded and probably want more. So thats why im moderate on that issue. And, I don't think any of the democratic candidates will have enough support from Congress to change everything, i just think they're trying to pull in votes. Ron Paul wants change too though, his view on Occupation Safety for example; he wants to repeal the Occupational Health and Safety act of 1970. So eh, i guess it is like Russian roulette.
Eh oh well, we can't vote, so we can just stfu xD
And, about video games, you said it was preference, and it is. =P. I prefer 360 a lot of the time, but i dont think other consoles necessarily suck. And yes matt PC games are ahead of console games right now, but im waiting until i have money to buy TF2 and Crysis, until then Halo 3 is my game. And microsoft hasn't flat out said no modding on UT3 yet, have they?
Well, besides matt and i arguing, its thanksgiving! Hope everyone has a good one.
I'm off to nom some turkey, peace.
In response to grant's post..
Politics are like assholes. You basically have to pick the one that stinks the least.
Underneath, there's strong pulls that Obama is a socialist.
That's how democrats generally are anyways (as with the "liberal" mindset)
Yes, i'm an extremely liberal person, but as far as the presidential position goes, i'd rather have a conservative dick in office than someone who's gonna try and change absolutely everything (Becuase if huckabee won, he'd make us all skinny right)
Its really a matter of opinion
Ron Paul is a constitutionalist.
He takes a stance at least that's been show so far.. away from business/government ties
which also leads him to be one of the most popular candidates to internet enthusiasts, pirates, etc.
Yes, he has a conservative mindset, but I still am opinionated in that the internet is the only free method of unmoderated speech left in the world and it should stay that way. Hell I'll stand by how it is till the end of time.
So back to the lesser of the evils, honestly.. politicans are all two-faced, there's nothing that's going to change that solely because of the amount of pressure companies and other politicians as well as the public eye puts upon them.
But yeah, right now my support would be with either Ron Paul or Obama, but Obama (based on what he's said so far) could easily take the things he stands on into an extremist socialist-like reform movement if congress supports of course (unless you're bush, congress doesn't matter then right?).
But eh, you never know. Its like inevitable failing russian roulette. Either one you pick and you'll probably shoot yourself in the foot for it or they'll change. So whatever at this point.
BTW grant, you fail at blogging.
you really do
(ZOMG POST 10 THINGS IN ONE DAY ABOUT ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. LAWLS guyz I saw a movie go me. Oh look LOL @ matt. Now i shall blog about it)
Oh and i know there's different kinds of gamers
The ones who suck (360) and the hardcore true team players (PC) and then the casual market (wii/ds/etc.).
And Gears of war and halo2 are stupid microsoft mistakes to begin with not reflecting the true market of the year. Both were better in the PC versions i might add, just aged and different.
Games using mice also tend to be faster paced shooters due to the pure reflex that is abled by using that instead of a shitty joystick
Halo 3 feels like a crawling speed game as opposed to fast paced pc shooters.
Lets recap releases that both came out on PC and console shall we?
Bioshock - Graphics better on PC.
Orange Box - Better on PC due to the integration with Steam. Gameplay is more fun in HL2 using a keyboard/mouse setup anyways. I've played the xbox port before and its nowhere near as appealing. TF2 has extra mods/map support for PC that is lacking on 360.
UT3 - undoubtedly better on PC and even PS3 thanks to Keyboard/mouse support as well as mods. Xbox is going to be questioning the use of mods even still. (LAME)
Crysis - Wow, that just blew everything ever SEEN on console out of the water. And its actually fun as opposed to Far Cry.
Its quite funny actually, becuase the multiplayer community on XBL can only really be seen in the higher ranks of halo.
Its really amusing actually, since across the board i have a more enjoyable experience in PC shooters since all the players are all more apt to work together and actually play as a team as opposed to console.
I guess its reflected in the types of games that come out for each too however. (Tactical based shooters are tons more prominent on PC than straight shoot em ups on console).
But you know, whatever. I suppose it is just pure preference. Hence why its opinion you dumbass.
Once again, its retarded to make posts that are opinions of the other person's post on a blog but you asked for it. = P
Underneath, there's strong pulls that Obama is a socialist.
That's how democrats generally are anyways (as with the "liberal" mindset)
Yes, i'm an extremely liberal person, but as far as the presidential position goes, i'd rather have a conservative dick in office than someone who's gonna try and change absolutely everything (Becuase if huckabee won, he'd make us all skinny right)
Its really a matter of opinion
Ron Paul is a constitutionalist.
He takes a stance at least that's been show so far.. away from business/government ties
which also leads him to be one of the most popular candidates to internet enthusiasts, pirates, etc.
Yes, he has a conservative mindset, but I still am opinionated in that the internet is the only free method of unmoderated speech left in the world and it should stay that way. Hell I'll stand by how it is till the end of time.
So back to the lesser of the evils, honestly.. politicans are all two-faced, there's nothing that's going to change that solely because of the amount of pressure companies and other politicians as well as the public eye puts upon them.
But yeah, right now my support would be with either Ron Paul or Obama, but Obama (based on what he's said so far) could easily take the things he stands on into an extremist socialist-like reform movement if congress supports of course (unless you're bush, congress doesn't matter then right?).
But eh, you never know. Its like inevitable failing russian roulette. Either one you pick and you'll probably shoot yourself in the foot for it or they'll change. So whatever at this point.
BTW grant, you fail at blogging.
you really do
(ZOMG POST 10 THINGS IN ONE DAY ABOUT ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. LAWLS guyz I saw a movie go me. Oh look LOL @ matt. Now i shall blog about it)
Oh and i know there's different kinds of gamers
The ones who suck (360) and the hardcore true team players (PC) and then the casual market (wii/ds/etc.).
And Gears of war and halo2 are stupid microsoft mistakes to begin with not reflecting the true market of the year. Both were better in the PC versions i might add, just aged and different.
Games using mice also tend to be faster paced shooters due to the pure reflex that is abled by using that instead of a shitty joystick
Halo 3 feels like a crawling speed game as opposed to fast paced pc shooters.
Lets recap releases that both came out on PC and console shall we?
Bioshock - Graphics better on PC.
Orange Box - Better on PC due to the integration with Steam. Gameplay is more fun in HL2 using a keyboard/mouse setup anyways. I've played the xbox port before and its nowhere near as appealing. TF2 has extra mods/map support for PC that is lacking on 360.
UT3 - undoubtedly better on PC and even PS3 thanks to Keyboard/mouse support as well as mods. Xbox is going to be questioning the use of mods even still. (LAME)
Crysis - Wow, that just blew everything ever SEEN on console out of the water. And its actually fun as opposed to Far Cry.
Its quite funny actually, becuase the multiplayer community on XBL can only really be seen in the higher ranks of halo.
Its really amusing actually, since across the board i have a more enjoyable experience in PC shooters since all the players are all more apt to work together and actually play as a team as opposed to console.
I guess its reflected in the types of games that come out for each too however. (Tactical based shooters are tons more prominent on PC than straight shoot em ups on console).
But you know, whatever. I suppose it is just pure preference. Hence why its opinion you dumbass.
Once again, its retarded to make posts that are opinions of the other person's post on a blog but you asked for it. = P
Live Free or Die Hard
Wow, haha i didn't think that movie was going to be that good. But damn it was badass. Easily one of my favorite action movies this year. Bruce Willis and Justin Long easily made the movie alive, as well as the badass real stunts; not some cheesy CGI bullshit. The depictions of the hackers were also pretty unique. Great movie IMO, go see it if you can.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Matt just based his argument over complete opinion =P
"There seriously hasn't been anything 360 has had to offer to make me remotely want one as almost every game for it comes out on PC and is even better than the console ports.
Okay, so nothing has come out for 360 that attracts you, well maybe it attracts me? Just a suggestion, ill go back to raping people in their face with an actual controller rather than some bullshit remote stick. And no, not everything on 360 comes out on PC and is better, Gears of War sucked for PC because it was old by the time and it was built for Xbox. Same with Halo2, microsoft just uses it as bullshit ( yes i'll admit microsoft is full of shit). But for fuck sakes, i don't give a shit if I'm having fun with my friends in badass combat. I mean, usually for me what makes a game is the multiplayer, i hardly play pure single player games because i get bored. Usually what keeps me on a game is the social aspect. I come for the gameplay and stay for the community; thats it.
Lol, if it has never occurred to you matt, there are different types of gamers in the world. Get the fuck used to it =] and stop bitching. I still love you though<3.
Haha, and i also disagree on the fact that Obama is a socialistic pig, have you ever even listened to his speeches/debates? Or did you get that from some biased dickhole?
And Ron Paul, LOL, isn't he pro life? When you're pro choice? Also, does the fact that hes anti universal health care escape you? Oh yeah and maybe the fact that hes anti medicare? I have relatives who practically DEPEND on medicare...
Oh yeah, and i agree MOST republicans are dumbasses, but Guilana? Look at how well he did in New York, eh i guess that just slipped your mind.
Well, I considered not responding directly to Matt's post, because blogs that argue with themselves look retarded. But i decided not to, because his opinion sucks.
"There seriously hasn't been anything 360 has had to offer to make me remotely want one as almost every game for it comes out on PC and is even better than the console ports.
Okay, so nothing has come out for 360 that attracts you, well maybe it attracts me? Just a suggestion, ill go back to raping people in their face with an actual controller rather than some bullshit remote stick. And no, not everything on 360 comes out on PC and is better, Gears of War sucked for PC because it was old by the time and it was built for Xbox. Same with Halo2, microsoft just uses it as bullshit ( yes i'll admit microsoft is full of shit). But for fuck sakes, i don't give a shit if I'm having fun with my friends in badass combat. I mean, usually for me what makes a game is the multiplayer, i hardly play pure single player games because i get bored. Usually what keeps me on a game is the social aspect. I come for the gameplay and stay for the community; thats it.
Lol, if it has never occurred to you matt, there are different types of gamers in the world. Get the fuck used to it =] and stop bitching. I still love you though<3.
Haha, and i also disagree on the fact that Obama is a socialistic pig, have you ever even listened to his speeches/debates? Or did you get that from some biased dickhole?
And Ron Paul, LOL, isn't he pro life? When you're pro choice? Also, does the fact that hes anti universal health care escape you? Oh yeah and maybe the fact that hes anti medicare? I have relatives who practically DEPEND on medicare...
Oh yeah, and i agree MOST republicans are dumbasses, but Guilana? Look at how well he did in New York, eh i guess that just slipped your mind.
Well, I considered not responding directly to Matt's post, because blogs that argue with themselves look retarded. But i decided not to, because his opinion sucks.
2007 - The year of games.
Hype, media, useless shit...
all the junk keeping the bulk of america out of politics, foreign affairs, and giving politicians an utmost freedom to do as the please in office.
But, as with me and the bulk of computer enthusiasts, this year can best be summarized as "the year that games kicked ass".
No, really.
it is.
So I'm halfway through zelda:phantom hourglass (the main story at least o.O) and i'm basically amazed. This is by far the best and most efficient use of the DS' potential I've seen to date. Its like sex in a little tiny rectangle box that'll make you come in a mere 10 seconds of playing it. (I still love you kelsey = ) )
I mean, who makes a puzzle where you have to open your map with a mirror map on the wall showing a location and basically requires you to "press" or close your DS to copy the wall to your map?
I had to look it up and i was amazed at the possibilities. Want your boomerang to do trickly loops? simple, draw it. This game is ingenious. Given its no ocarina of time, but it sure as hell has to be my favorite game to date on DS (Mario kart, you're still my multiplayer king. If smash ever hits DS though...mmm..)
Crysis is sex in a bottle too.
Assasin's creed is just you being a badass.
Super Mario Galaxy is SERIOUSLY KICKASS (fastest selling mario game to date!) and is basically what you get when the super mario 64 devs do MORE drugs and make a really sexy game.
Call of Duty 4 will have you feeling the action.
The list goes on and on
In my personal life however, I'm currently in Tennessee.. bored out of my mind. You know those moments though where you're out and public and you see possibly the MOST redneck, obese, and just plain retarded people and it just warms your heart to get a nice superiority complex in your heart? Well that happened about 20 times today. Fat kid after redneck after retard guy...
I was amazed at what the american society has become.
Same with politics.. people being fucking stupid as to WANT a communist government apparently. "Oh please ban McDonalds because apparently we have no sense of self-control and need our government to do it for us since we're all so fat"
Simple solution dumbass, DONT FUCKING EAT MCDONALDS.
that was so hard! You had to think to do that. aww poor baby.
God dammit.
Cry more.
Vote Ron Paul if you can vote next year. seriously.
Hillary look like a fucking botoxed crack whore. obama is cool but a socialist pig. Fucking republicans (ron paul excluded) are dumbasses.
Whatever though.
10/23 - never forget
The day the music died.
Speaking of which, is it pretty sad when you feel more sympathy for the death of music lovers than for the 9/11 attacks? I mean seriously. 180,000 music lovers.. just slain right there on the spot becuase its "illegal" and stealing oh so much money from the music industry.
Well according to canada, you're fucking wrong dipshits. Learn 2 Research.
And FUCK YOU GRANT Halo 3 is a shitty game.
get over it.
Consoles can suck it. Fucking noobasses.
If you're gonna play consoles, at least play the good ones (i.e. N64, PS1, Ps2, Wii, anything nintendo for that matter)
There seriously hasn't been anything 360 has had to offer to make me remotely want one as almost every game for it comes out on PC and is even better than the console ports.
Well, I'm out.
all the junk keeping the bulk of america out of politics, foreign affairs, and giving politicians an utmost freedom to do as the please in office.
But, as with me and the bulk of computer enthusiasts, this year can best be summarized as "the year that games kicked ass".
No, really.
it is.
So I'm halfway through zelda:phantom hourglass (the main story at least o.O) and i'm basically amazed. This is by far the best and most efficient use of the DS' potential I've seen to date. Its like sex in a little tiny rectangle box that'll make you come in a mere 10 seconds of playing it. (I still love you kelsey = ) )
I mean, who makes a puzzle where you have to open your map with a mirror map on the wall showing a location and basically requires you to "press" or close your DS to copy the wall to your map?
I had to look it up and i was amazed at the possibilities. Want your boomerang to do trickly loops? simple, draw it. This game is ingenious. Given its no ocarina of time, but it sure as hell has to be my favorite game to date on DS (Mario kart, you're still my multiplayer king. If smash ever hits DS though...mmm..)
Crysis is sex in a bottle too.
Assasin's creed is just you being a badass.
Super Mario Galaxy is SERIOUSLY KICKASS (fastest selling mario game to date!) and is basically what you get when the super mario 64 devs do MORE drugs and make a really sexy game.
Call of Duty 4 will have you feeling the action.
The list goes on and on
In my personal life however, I'm currently in Tennessee.. bored out of my mind. You know those moments though where you're out and public and you see possibly the MOST redneck, obese, and just plain retarded people and it just warms your heart to get a nice superiority complex in your heart? Well that happened about 20 times today. Fat kid after redneck after retard guy...
I was amazed at what the american society has become.
Same with politics.. people being fucking stupid as to WANT a communist government apparently. "Oh please ban McDonalds because apparently we have no sense of self-control and need our government to do it for us since we're all so fat"
Simple solution dumbass, DONT FUCKING EAT MCDONALDS.
that was so hard! You had to think to do that. aww poor baby.
God dammit.
Cry more.
Vote Ron Paul if you can vote next year. seriously.
Hillary look like a fucking botoxed crack whore. obama is cool but a socialist pig. Fucking republicans (ron paul excluded) are dumbasses.
Whatever though.
10/23 - never forget
The day the music died.
Speaking of which, is it pretty sad when you feel more sympathy for the death of music lovers than for the 9/11 attacks? I mean seriously. 180,000 music lovers.. just slain right there on the spot becuase its "illegal" and stealing oh so much money from the music industry.
Well according to canada, you're fucking wrong dipshits. Learn 2 Research.
And FUCK YOU GRANT Halo 3 is a shitty game.
get over it.
Consoles can suck it. Fucking noobasses.
If you're gonna play consoles, at least play the good ones (i.e. N64, PS1, Ps2, Wii, anything nintendo for that matter)
There seriously hasn't been anything 360 has had to offer to make me remotely want one as almost every game for it comes out on PC and is even better than the console ports.
Well, I'm out.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Today i out of nowhere recalled a certain memory. This memory was of someone i once knew who had brain development problems, and how he discovered Santa Claus wasn't real. His father had told him one day that Santa Claus was not real, and in response, after a few moments of thinking he asked if that meant God wasn't real.
This seems laughable at first, but in essence how different is it? We are led to believe by goofy children stories of an old fatass that there is a man who brings children all over the world toys. In current society, we are also led to believe that there is a great man with a beard that watches over us all, God. Through almost children-like stories like Jonah, Noah and other ridiculous tales, we have learned about him. Oh yeah and also that one prophet named Jesus; can't forget about his teachings. God not only watches over us, but he listens and helps guide all 6,632,443,377 of us. So, is it really funny to question God's existence? Let's compare the two stories.
The Judaeo Christian God
Well, although Christianity may still seem more believable to many, what if Christianity was in fact similar to "Santa Claus". Just a story made up in order to get people to live the 'right' life, like a story made up to get children to behave. Did it ever strike your mind that Christianity is restraining? Do not get me wrong, I am not trying to change your views, I myself believe Christianity can be helpful in many ways. Just take it all into consideration before believing in something. Same goes for believing in science and every other belief system. Don't just take in something because you were fed it when you were little.
Some may say that Christianity is in a different realm than Santa Claus, and I agree. But what if Christianity had an even more far fetched basis, people would eventually falsify it, as children do as they grow older or have been told the truth about Santa Claus. So basically, as long as Christianity remains realistic at all, people will follow, just as uneducated children follow Santa Claus.
Please remember this is just an opinion, a view on life. I sometimes find myself in admiration of strong willed Christians, but when they get pushy thats just an annoyance.
In conclusion, what is so laughable at connecting mystical figures one has been fed to believe? Nothing, I think the comparison was actually witty, because once something you have grown up on is taken away, it is shocking. Also to compare Santa Claus with God was also unique, i never thought of it, because i used to take the force fed religion seriously, because it was what everyone did. In my opinion, i think its healthy to seek truth, and to seek what you believe and find comfort in.
Follow those who are searching, run from those who say they've found truth.
peace, ily reid.
This seems laughable at first, but in essence how different is it? We are led to believe by goofy children stories of an old fatass that there is a man who brings children all over the world toys. In current society, we are also led to believe that there is a great man with a beard that watches over us all, God. Through almost children-like stories like Jonah, Noah and other ridiculous tales, we have learned about him. Oh yeah and also that one prophet named Jesus; can't forget about his teachings. God not only watches over us, but he listens and helps guide all 6,632,443,377 of us. So, is it really funny to question God's existence? Let's compare the two stories.
The Judaeo Christian God
- Supposed creator & controller
- No hard proof evidence, just faith
- Never seen
- Supported by Old Testament stories
- A Man gets swallowed by a whale,
- and lives in the whale's belly.
- A man packs every species on the Earth
- into a boat, which can somehow hold the
- millions of animals.
- Supposed mystical gift bringer
- Used to be alive, based a story off him
- Children believe in him today
- Based off no evidence
- Children like stories to support
- Rudolph
- The Elves
- etc etc
Well, although Christianity may still seem more believable to many, what if Christianity was in fact similar to "Santa Claus". Just a story made up in order to get people to live the 'right' life, like a story made up to get children to behave. Did it ever strike your mind that Christianity is restraining? Do not get me wrong, I am not trying to change your views, I myself believe Christianity can be helpful in many ways. Just take it all into consideration before believing in something. Same goes for believing in science and every other belief system. Don't just take in something because you were fed it when you were little.
Some may say that Christianity is in a different realm than Santa Claus, and I agree. But what if Christianity had an even more far fetched basis, people would eventually falsify it, as children do as they grow older or have been told the truth about Santa Claus. So basically, as long as Christianity remains realistic at all, people will follow, just as uneducated children follow Santa Claus.
Please remember this is just an opinion, a view on life. I sometimes find myself in admiration of strong willed Christians, but when they get pushy thats just an annoyance.
In conclusion, what is so laughable at connecting mystical figures one has been fed to believe? Nothing, I think the comparison was actually witty, because once something you have grown up on is taken away, it is shocking. Also to compare Santa Claus with God was also unique, i never thought of it, because i used to take the force fed religion seriously, because it was what everyone did. In my opinion, i think its healthy to seek truth, and to seek what you believe and find comfort in.
Follow those who are searching, run from those who say they've found truth.
peace, ily reid.
Monday, November 19, 2007
My loss of motivation to game.
To begin, i would like how it took Matt three lines to sum up the insult of "Fuck you, Grant" =], nice one.
Well more on topic, i have been less motivated to play video games, and i solely blame this on WoW. Why? because that goddamn game will destroy your social life, and you will want to do nothing but play it. I quit the game about a month or so ago (grew tired of the repetition after 2 years of playing), and ever since then i don't game near as much. Even before WoW i played Halo 2, Gears of War, and other games like i had no life. And now, I can't help but not feeling any motivation what so ever to play new games. Could it be the effect of MMORPG's? I'm not sure, but if you have any game that is addictive and can replace WoW as a long term game please let me know. I have gotten recommendations from Matt for new games, but so far, no games have attracted me enough. I was going to play hellgate:london, until i realized it sucked complete balls. I also have Halo 3, but i do not have near the same motivation to play it as i had when i played Halo 2, I do not agree completely that it sucks. But i will admit that the gameplay feels a bit aged, but the casual Xbox Live Multi-player is fun as hell (gamertag=eliteslayer749). I think it may also be the fact that im trying to compare games' addictive values to WoW's which is usually way off from Blizzard's Godlike game.
What have i been doing in the meantime? School, actually being social, music, books, and movies. I do enjoy actually getting out a lot more, but i do miss the feel of WoW (which i soon lose after 10 minutes of playing). So, never play WoW, it makes every other game seem as boring as a motherfucking carrot after a few weeks of play.
Although this could just be a phase where i don't care to play video games, i do miss the addiction somehow, even though i hated it at the same time. I guess after 2 years of playing WoW like crack, it'd burn anyone out. Except Matt, who lives off video games.
I'm still hoping that Age of Conan and/or Warhammer Online will be badass, but until then, i don't think its possible for me to play a game the same as i played WoW.
Peace motherfucker.
Well more on topic, i have been less motivated to play video games, and i solely blame this on WoW. Why? because that goddamn game will destroy your social life, and you will want to do nothing but play it. I quit the game about a month or so ago (grew tired of the repetition after 2 years of playing), and ever since then i don't game near as much. Even before WoW i played Halo 2, Gears of War, and other games like i had no life. And now, I can't help but not feeling any motivation what so ever to play new games. Could it be the effect of MMORPG's? I'm not sure, but if you have any game that is addictive and can replace WoW as a long term game please let me know. I have gotten recommendations from Matt for new games, but so far, no games have attracted me enough. I was going to play hellgate:london, until i realized it sucked complete balls. I also have Halo 3, but i do not have near the same motivation to play it as i had when i played Halo 2, I do not agree completely that it sucks. But i will admit that the gameplay feels a bit aged, but the casual Xbox Live Multi-player is fun as hell (gamertag=eliteslayer749). I think it may also be the fact that im trying to compare games' addictive values to WoW's which is usually way off from Blizzard's Godlike game.
What have i been doing in the meantime? School, actually being social, music, books, and movies. I do enjoy actually getting out a lot more, but i do miss the feel of WoW (which i soon lose after 10 minutes of playing). So, never play WoW, it makes every other game seem as boring as a motherfucking carrot after a few weeks of play.
Although this could just be a phase where i don't care to play video games, i do miss the addiction somehow, even though i hated it at the same time. I guess after 2 years of playing WoW like crack, it'd burn anyone out. Except Matt, who lives off video games.
I'm still hoping that Age of Conan and/or Warhammer Online will be badass, but until then, i don't think its possible for me to play a game the same as i played WoW.
Peace motherfucker.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
In order to prevent Grant's constant babbling taint that is inevitably continually spawning from that little brain of his, I'll go ahead and take the courtesy to tell him to "suck a fuck" and continue with life.
I've been playing Ocarina of Time lately (Since apparently I'm a Communist asshat for having never played it, right?) and as a result I feel like I have WoW-Syndrome. For those of you that don't know:
WoW-Syndrome (n) - 1.) The inevitable state of being online all the time 2.) The absence of sunlight in a poorly lit room 3.) The lack of friends, malnourishment, and loss of urges to use the bathroom, participate in extracurricular activities, and the loss of any possible chance of getting laid.
Note I said a feeling of, not a complete embodiment of such.
Anyways, I almost wish I had never touched this game. Its too good. Even with the new games releasing right now tickling the senses and filling our lives with hours of look at the detail in polygons (Crysis anyone?), this game blows them all away (one exception, see Super Mario Galaxy).
While I'm on the subject of video games, let me clarify the top reasons why halo 2, halo 3, and console games in general tend to be of the shittiest in quality, innovation, and overall success in boredom ensues as a result of this mainstream easily accessible 12 year-old filled universe.
First off, halo 2 and halo 3 both suck. Okay, i said it, they suck.
When i say they suck, they suck when compared to a PC gamer standard. I feel like I'm playing an antiquated shooter that was prominent in fucking 2000. Seriously. Halo 3 has shiny graphics? Please, show me where, all i saw was drabby bullshit that instantly became outdated the second it released. Compare the sci fi recreation of halo 3 compared to Crysis.
Visually which succeeds? Crysis.
More mature player base? Crysis.
Contains better mechanics and a more complicated online play? Crysis.
More Accessible? Halo 3.
Console gaming wasn't meant for shooters. Understand that. If you call yourself a hardcore gamer and you play shooters only on console, please go kill yourself. I mean seriously. Stick your head in a blender and all will be better. I'll explain more another day as to the differences in maturity levels and the reasons why petty consoles must devolve themselves in order to sell to a bland market but in the meantime, just keep on pretending you're good at life.
I've been playing Ocarina of Time lately (Since apparently I'm a Communist asshat for having never played it, right?) and as a result I feel like I have WoW-Syndrome. For those of you that don't know:
WoW-Syndrome (n) - 1.) The inevitable state of being online all the time 2.) The absence of sunlight in a poorly lit room 3.) The lack of friends, malnourishment, and loss of urges to use the bathroom, participate in extracurricular activities, and the loss of any possible chance of getting laid.
Note I said a feeling of, not a complete embodiment of such.
Anyways, I almost wish I had never touched this game. Its too good. Even with the new games releasing right now tickling the senses and filling our lives with hours of look at the detail in polygons (Crysis anyone?), this game blows them all away (one exception, see Super Mario Galaxy).
While I'm on the subject of video games, let me clarify the top reasons why halo 2, halo 3, and console games in general tend to be of the shittiest in quality, innovation, and overall success in boredom ensues as a result of this mainstream easily accessible 12 year-old filled universe.
First off, halo 2 and halo 3 both suck. Okay, i said it, they suck.
When i say they suck, they suck when compared to a PC gamer standard. I feel like I'm playing an antiquated shooter that was prominent in fucking 2000. Seriously. Halo 3 has shiny graphics? Please, show me where, all i saw was drabby bullshit that instantly became outdated the second it released. Compare the sci fi recreation of halo 3 compared to Crysis.
Visually which succeeds? Crysis.
More mature player base? Crysis.
Contains better mechanics and a more complicated online play? Crysis.
More Accessible? Halo 3.
Console gaming wasn't meant for shooters. Understand that. If you call yourself a hardcore gamer and you play shooters only on console, please go kill yourself. I mean seriously. Stick your head in a blender and all will be better. I'll explain more another day as to the differences in maturity levels and the reasons why petty consoles must devolve themselves in order to sell to a bland market but in the meantime, just keep on pretending you're good at life.
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Well, this is the future of my own personal ranting, i have decided to conform to the wonderful world of blogging!
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