Thursday, November 22, 2007


"its retarded to make posts that are opinions of the other person's post on a blog but you asked for it." -Matt
You're the one who bashed Halo 3 when i said i was enjoying it, and i never debated why it was good =P. I just said i was bored with most games, and so i casually play Halo 3. You also tried to make it personal with "And FUCK YOU GRANT Halo 3 is a shitty game." =P, when i never tried to argue it was any better than a PC game?

Yeah i can blog about whatever i want=] Just like all your posts have video games in them. Nothing wrong with that, so why is there something wrong with my movie posts? I thought a movie was badass enough i want to blog about it, just as you thought Ocarina of Time was blog worthy.

I do agree with you about the internet, but i just don't agree with Ron Paul support. Sure his stance is impressive, but i can't agree with someone who wishes to repeal Land and Water conservation acts, is anti universal health care, and is anti Global Warming control.

Now, his views on how medicare and shit are impressive actually, though i disagree with them because the society we live in today would go to shit if we were to actually live by those views. Far right wing conservatism can not succeed without the full society agreeing, as well as far left wing. And honestly, i think more people want a more socialistic government, which i think is stupid, but whatever. I would prefer a democratic nation, with just a hint of socialism, but i don't know if thats possible in America as there are so many dumbfucks. But universal health care is a go IMO, but i do agree with you that some people are just retarded and probably want more. So thats why im moderate on that issue. And, I don't think any of the democratic candidates will have enough support from Congress to change everything, i just think they're trying to pull in votes. Ron Paul wants change too though, his view on Occupation Safety for example; he wants to repeal the Occupational Health and Safety act of 1970. So eh, i guess it is like Russian roulette.

Eh oh well, we can't vote, so we can just stfu xD

And, about video games, you said it was preference, and it is. =P. I prefer 360 a lot of the time, but i dont think other consoles necessarily suck. And yes matt PC games are ahead of console games right now, but im waiting until i have money to buy TF2 and Crysis, until then Halo 3 is my game. And microsoft hasn't flat out said no modding on UT3 yet, have they?

Well, besides matt and i arguing, its thanksgiving! Hope everyone has a good one.

I'm off to nom some turkey, peace.

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