Sunday, November 18, 2007


In order to prevent Grant's constant babbling taint that is inevitably continually spawning from that little brain of his, I'll go ahead and take the courtesy to tell him to "suck a fuck" and continue with life.

I've been playing Ocarina of Time lately (Since apparently I'm a Communist asshat for having never played it, right?) and as a result I feel like I have WoW-Syndrome. For those of you that don't know:

WoW-Syndrome (n) - 1.) The inevitable state of being online all the time 2.) The absence of sunlight in a poorly lit room 3.) The lack of friends, malnourishment, and loss of urges to use the bathroom, participate in extracurricular activities, and the loss of any possible chance of getting laid.

Note I said a feeling of, not a complete embodiment of such.

Anyways, I almost wish I had never touched this game. Its too good. Even with the new games releasing right now tickling the senses and filling our lives with hours of look at the detail in polygons (Crysis anyone?), this game blows them all away (one exception, see Super Mario Galaxy).

While I'm on the subject of video games, let me clarify the top reasons why halo 2, halo 3, and console games in general tend to be of the shittiest in quality, innovation, and overall success in boredom ensues as a result of this mainstream easily accessible 12 year-old filled universe.

First off, halo 2 and halo 3 both suck. Okay, i said it, they suck.
When i say they suck, they suck when compared to a PC gamer standard. I feel like I'm playing an antiquated shooter that was prominent in fucking 2000. Seriously. Halo 3 has shiny graphics? Please, show me where, all i saw was drabby bullshit that instantly became outdated the second it released. Compare the sci fi recreation of halo 3 compared to Crysis.

Visually which succeeds? Crysis.
More mature player base? Crysis.
Contains better mechanics and a more complicated online play? Crysis.
More Accessible? Halo 3.


Console gaming wasn't meant for shooters. Understand that. If you call yourself a hardcore gamer and you play shooters only on console, please go kill yourself. I mean seriously. Stick your head in a blender and all will be better. I'll explain more another day as to the differences in maturity levels and the reasons why petty consoles must devolve themselves in order to sell to a bland market but in the meantime, just keep on pretending you're good at life.

1 comment:

Grant said...

Pft, halo 3 still rapes Crysis in enjoyment of MP.
Idk though, maybe Crysis MP will grow on me once i actually buy it.