Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Today i out of nowhere recalled a certain memory. This memory was of someone i once knew who had brain development problems, and how he discovered Santa Claus wasn't real. His father had told him one day that Santa Claus was not real, and in response, after a few moments of thinking he asked if that meant God wasn't real.

This seems laughable at first, but in essence how different is it? We are led to believe by goofy children stories of an old fatass that there is a man who brings children all over the world toys. In current society, we are also led to believe that there is a great man with a beard that watches over us all, God. Through almost children-like stories like Jonah, Noah and other ridiculous tales, we have learned about him. Oh yeah and also that one prophet named Jesus; can't forget about his teachings. God not only watches over us, but he listens and helps guide all 6,632,443,377 of us. So, is it really funny to question God's existence? Let's compare the two stories.

The Judaeo Christian God
  • Supposed creator & controller
  • No hard proof evidence, just faith
    • Never seen
  • Supported by Old Testament stories
    • A Man gets swallowed by a whale,
    • and lives in the whale's belly.
    • A man packs every species on the Earth
    • into a boat, which can somehow hold the
    • millions of animals.
Santa Claus
  • Supposed mystical gift bringer
  • Used to be alive, based a story off him
  • Children believe in him today
    • Based off no evidence
  • Children like stories to support
    • Rudolph
    • The Elves
    • etc etc

Well, although Christianity may still seem more believable to many, what if Christianity was in fact similar to "Santa Claus". Just a story made up in order to get people to live the 'right' life, like a story made up to get children to behave. Did it ever strike your mind that Christianity is restraining? Do not get me wrong, I am not trying to change your views, I myself believe Christianity can be helpful in many ways. Just take it all into consideration before believing in something. Same goes for believing in science and every other belief system. Don't just take in something because you were fed it when you were little.

Some may say that Christianity is in a different realm than Santa Claus, and I agree. But what if Christianity had an even more far fetched basis, people would eventually falsify it, as children do as they grow older or have been told the truth about Santa Claus. So basically, as long as Christianity remains realistic at all, people will follow, just as uneducated children follow Santa Claus.

Please remember this is just an opinion, a view on life. I sometimes find myself in admiration of strong willed Christians, but when they get pushy thats just an annoyance.

In conclusion, what is so laughable at connecting mystical figures one has been fed to believe? Nothing, I think the comparison was actually witty, because once something you have grown up on is taken away, it is shocking. Also to compare Santa Claus with God was also unique, i never thought of it, because i used to take the force fed religion seriously, because it was what everyone did. In my opinion, i think its healthy to seek truth, and to seek what you believe and find comfort in.

Follow those who are searching, run from those who say they've found truth.

peace, ily reid.

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